Délkelet-ázsiai denevérek filogenetikája és rendszertana
Földikutyák filogenetikája és konzervációbiológiai kutatása
Albánia 2014; Algéria 1988; Dagesztán 2015; Dél Korea 2003; Egyesült Arab Emirátusok 2015; Észak Korea 1986; Irak 1989; Irán 2000, 2001; Kambodzsa 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011; Kamerun 2009; Kína 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, Laosz 1998; Libéria 2018; Makedónia 2015; Malajzia 1995, 2015; Mexikó 2000, 2001; Mongólia 1990; Namíbia 2012, Nepál 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2016; Pakisztán 1992, 1998; Tajvan 1996, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2016; Thaiföld 2003; Törökország 1989; Türkmenisztán 1991; Ukrajna 2009; Vietnam 1990, 1993, 1997, 2007, 2008.
American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA, 2011
Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2016
Centre for Biological Conservation, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Kambodzsa, 2009, 2011
’Grigore Antipa’ National Museum of Natural History, Bukarest, Románia,
Harrison Institute, Sevenoaks, Anglia, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2012
Hokkaido University Natural History Museum, Sapporo, Japan, 2013
Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2012
Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking, Kína, 2017
Manchester Museum, Anglia, 2004
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 2005, 2013
Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Németország, 2010, 2011
Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonézia, 2006
National Museum, Prága, Csehország, 2008
National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Tajvan, 1996, 2000
National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba, Japán, 2013
Natural History Museum, London, Anglia, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016
Naturalis, Leiden, Hollandia, 1996, 2013, 2015
Naturhistorisches Museum, Bécs, Ausztria, 2014
Prince of Songkla University Zoological Collection, Hat Yai, Thaiföld, 2009
Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium, 2006
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Kanada, 2013
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und NaturMuseum, Frankfurt, Németország, 1998, 2000
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Németország, 1998
Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, Bangkok, Thaiföld, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Muzium Zoologi, Bangi, Malaysia, 2019
Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Szentpétervár, Oroszország, 1990
Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Moszkva, Oroszország, 1997
Zoological Museum, Ukranian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukrajna, 2009
Zoologische Staatssammlung, München, Németország, 2012
Zoölogisch Museum, Amszterdam, Hollandia, 2006
Collection Study Grants, American Museum of Natural History, New York, 1998
Visiting Scholarship Award, Field Museum of Natural History,Chicago, 1998, 2013
Short-term Visitor Grant, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1998, 2011
Collection Study Grant, Muséum d'Histoire naturelle Genéva, Geneva, 2010, 2012
Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 2013
Guest Research Associate, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, 2015
Guest Research Associate, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 2016, 2019
alkalmazott zoológus (MSc), majd biológus képzés (BSc) –Állatorvostudományi Egyetem
BSc, MSc és PhD témavezetések
Rendszeres rádió- és tv-interjúk (évente 3–5)
On-line ismeretterjesztő cikkek a múzeum honlapján
Görföl T., Fukui D. & Csorba G. The taxonomic reassessment of a reportedly extinct bat, Pipistrellus sturdeei (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) – Zootaxa (accepted)
Görföl T., Kruskop S. V., Tu V. T., Estók P., Son N. T. & Csorba G.(2020): New genus of vespertilionid bat: the end of a long journey for Joffre’s Pipistrelle (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) – Journal of Mammalogy doi: 10.1093/jmammal/gyz202
Yu W., Csorba G. & Wu Y. (2020): Tube-nosed variations – a new species of the genus Murina (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from China – Zoological Research 41(1) 70–77. doi: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.009
Hutson A.M, Rossiter S.J. & Csorba G. (2019): Family Rhinolophidae (Horseshoe bats). Pp. 260–279. In: Wilson D.E. & Mittermeier R.A. (eds) Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Vol. 9. Bats. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Liu T., Sun K., Csorba G., Zhang K., Zhang L., Zhao H., Jin L., Thong V. D., Xiao Y. & Feng J. (2019): Species delimitation and evolutionary reconstruction within an integrative taxonomic framework: a case study on Rhinolophus macrotis complex (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) – Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 139: 106544. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106544
Dragu A., Csorba G. & Băncilă R. (2019): Ecological character displacement in mandibular morphology of three sympatric horseshoe bats. – Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy doi: 10.4404/hystrix-00120-2018
Jiang T., Jing W., Wu H., Csorba G., Puechmaille S., Benda P., Boireau J., Toffoli R., Courtois J-Y., Nyssen P., Colombo R. & Feng J. (2019): The patterns and possible causes of global geographical variation in the body size of the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) – Journal of Biogepgraphy doi: 10.1111/jbi.13658
Yu W., Li F., Csorba G., Xu Z., Wang X., Guo W., Li Y. & Wu Y. (2018): A revision of Kerivoula hardwickii and occurrence of K. furva (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in China – Zootaxa 4461(1): 45–56. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4461.1.2 (IF 0,990)
Görföl T., Furey N.M., Bates P.J.J. & Csorba G. (2018): The identity of ‘Falsistrellus’ affinis from Myanmar and Cambodia and new records of Hypsugo dolichodon from these countries – Acta Chiropterologica 20(2): 301–309. doi: 10.3161/15081109ACC2018.20.2.002
Tu V.T., Hassanin A., Furey N.M., Son N.T. & Csorba G. (2018): Four species in one: multigene analyses reveal phylogenetic patterns within Hardwicke's woolly bat, Kerivoula hardwickii-complex (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Asia. – Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 29(1): 111–121. doi: 10.4404/hystrix-00017-2017
Görföl T. & Csorba G. (2018): Integrative taxonomy places Asian species of Falsistrellus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) into Hypsugo – Mammalian Biology 93: 56–63. 10.1016/j.mambio.2018.08.004
Judas J., Csorba G. & Benda P. (2018): The bat fauna (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the United Arab Emirates: a review of published records and museum specimens with conservation notes. – Journal of Threatened Taxa 10(3): 11379–11390. doi: htp://doi.org/10.11609/jot.3096.10.3.11379-11390
Zhang L., Sun K., Liu T., Zhao H., Csorba G., Jin L., Thong V.D. & Feng J. (2018): Multilocus phylogeny and species delimitation within the Rhinolophus philippinensis-group (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) – Zoologica Scripta 47: 655–672. doi:10.1111/zsc.12308
Hassanin A., Colombo R., Gembu G-C., Merle M., Tu V.T., Görföl T., Akawa P.M., Csorba G., Kearney T., Monadjem A. & Ing R.K. (2017): Multilocus phylogeny and species delimitation within the genus Glauconycteris (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae), with the description of a new bat species from the Tshopo Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. – Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research doi: 10.1111/jzs.12176
Ruedi M., Eger J.L., Lim B.K. & Csorba G. (2017): A new genus and species of vespertilionid bat from the Indomalayan Region. – Journal of Mammalogy 99: 209–222. doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyx156
Tu V.T., Hassanin A., Görföl T., Arai S., Fukui D., Thanh H.T., Son N.T., Furey N.M. & Csorba G. (2017): Integrative taxonomy of the Rhinolophus macrotis complex (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae) in Vietnam and nearby regions – Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 55: 177–198. doi: 10.1111/jzs.12169
Kuo H-C., Soisook P., Ho Y-Y., Csorba G. and Rossiter S.J. (2017): A taxonomic revision of the Kerivoula hardwickii complex (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) with the description of a new species. – Acta Chiropterologica 19: 19–39. doi: 10.3161/15081109ACC2017.19.1.002
Saikia U., Csorba G. & Ruedi M. (2017): First records of Hypsugo joffrei (Thomas, 1915) and the revision of Philetor brachypterus (Temminck, 1840) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from the Indian Subcontinent. – Revue Suisse de Zoologie 124: 83–89. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.322668
Tu V.T., Csorba G., Ruedi M., Furey N.M., Son N.T., Thong V.D., Bonillo C. & Hassanin A. (2017): Comparative phylogeography of bamboo bats of the genus Tylonycteris (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Southeast Asia. – European Journal of Taxonomy 274: 1–38. doi: 10.5852/ejt.2017.274
Csorba G., Smeenk C. and Lee B.P.Y-H. (2016): The identity of Vespertilio oreias Temminck, 1840 – solving a taxonomic puzzle. – Zootaxa 4205: 564–570. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4205.6.4
Lim L-S., Csorba G., Wong C-M., Zubaid A., Habeebur Rahman S.P., Vijaya Kumaran J., Khan F.A.A., Huang C-C. & Görföl T. (2016): The systematic position of Hypsugo macrotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) and a new record from Peninsular Malaysia. – Zootaxa 4170: 169–177. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4170.1.10
Wang X., Guo W., Yu W., Csorba G., Motokawa M., Li F., Zhang C., Li Y. & Wu Y. (2016): First record and phylogenetic position of Myotis indochinensis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in China. – Mammalia 81: 605–609. doi: 10.1515/mammalia-2016-0063
Németh A., Bárány A., Csorba G., Magyari E., Pazonyi P. & Pálfy J. (2016): Holocene mammal extinctions in the Carpathian Basin: a review. – Mammal Review doi: 10.1111/mam.12075
Németh A., Hegyeli Zs., Sendula T., Horváth M., Czabán D. & Csorba G. (2016): Danger underground and in the open – predation on blind mole–rats (Rodentia: Spalacinae) revisited. – Mammal Review 46: 204–214. doi:10.1111/mam.12062
Bailey S.E., Mao X., Bozek M., Tsagkogeorga G., Csorba G., Heaney L.R., Sedlock J., Stanley W., Rouillard J-M. & Rossiter S.J. (2016): The use of museum samples for large–scale sequence capture: a study of congeneric horseshoe bats (family Rhinolophidae). – Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117: 58–70. doi: 10.1111/bij.12620
Al-Sheikhly O.F., Haba M.K., Görföl T. & Csorba G. (2016): First confirmed records of two bat species for Iraq: Rhinolophus euryale and Myotis emarginatus (Chiroptera). – Mammalia 80(1): 111‑115. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/mammalia-2014-0098
Kuo H-C., Chen S-F., Fang Y-P., Cotton J., Parker J, Csorba G., Lim B., Eger J., Chen C-H., Chou C-H. & Rossiter S.J. (2015): Speciation processes in putative island endemic sister bat species: false impressions from mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite data. – Molecular Ecology 24: 5910-5926. doi: 10.1111/mec.13425
Son N.T., Csorba G., Tu V.T., Thong V.D., Wu Y., Harada M., Oshida T., Endo H. & Motokawa M. (2015): A new species of the genus Murina (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from the Central Highlands of Vietnam with a review of the subfamily Murininae in Vietnam. – Acta Chiropterologica 17: 201–232. doi: 10.3161/15081109ACC2015.17.2.001
Tu V.T., Csorba G., Görföl T., Arai S., Son N.T., Thanh H.T. & Hasanin A. (2015): Description of a new species of the genus Aselliscus (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) from Vietnam. – Acta Chiropterologica 17: 233–254. doi: 10.3161/15081109ACC2015.17.2.002
Csorba G., Görföl T., Wiantoro S., Kingston T., Bates, P.J.J. & Huang J.C-C. (2015): Thumb-pads up – a new species of thick-thumbed bat from Sumatra (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Glischropus). – Zootaxa 3980: 267–278. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3980.2.7
Al-Sheikhly O.F., Haba M.K., Barbanera F., Csorba G. & Harrison D.L. (2015): Checklist of the Mammals of Iraq (Chordata: Mammalia) – Bonn Zoological Bulletin 64(1): 33–58.
Csorba G., Krivek G., Sendula T., Homonnay Z.G., Hegyeli Zs., Sugár Sz., Farkas J., Stojnić N. & Németh A. (2015): How can scientific researches change conservation priorities? A review of decade–long research on blind mole–rats (Rodentia: Spalacinae) in the Carpathian Basin. – Therya 6(1): 103–121. DOI: 10.12933/therya–15–245
Ruedi M., Csorba G., Lin L–K. & Chou C–H. (2015): Molecular phylogeny and morphological revision of Myotis bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Taiwan and adjacent China. – Zootaxa 3920(1): 301–342
Zsebők S., Son N.T. & Csorba G. (2014): Acoustic characteristics of the echolocation call of the disc–footed bat, Eudiscopus denticulus (Osgood, 1932) (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) – Acta Acustica united with Acustica 100: 767–771.
Csorba G., Chou C–H., Ruedi M., Görföl T., Motokawa M., Wiantoro S., Thong V.D., Son N.T., Lin L–K. & Furey N.M. (2014): The reds and the yellows: A review of Asian Chrysopteron (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Myotis). – Journal of Mammalogy 95: 663–678.
Görföl T., Csorba G., Eger J.L., Son N.T. & Francis C.M. (2014): Canines make the difference: a new species of Hypsugo from SE Asia. – Zootaxa 3887(2): 239–250. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3887.2.6
Lin A., Csorba G., Li L., Jiang T., Lu G., Thong V.D., Soisook P., Sun K. & Feng J. (2014): Phylogeography of Hipposideros armiger (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) in Oriental Region: multiple Pleistocene glacial refugia and the contribution of intrinsic factors to contemporary population genetic structure – Journal of Biogeography 41(2): 317–327.
Son N.T., Görföl T., Francis C.M., Motokawa M., Estók P., Endo H., Thong V.D., Dang N.X., Oshida T. & Csorba G. (2013): Description of a new species of Myotis from Vietnam. – Acta Chiropterologica 15: 473–483.
Németh A, Homonnay Z.G, Krízsik V, Csorba M, Pavlicek T, Hegyeli Zs, Hadid Y, Farkas J, Sugár Sz. & Csorba G (2013): Old views and new insigths – taxonomic revision of the Bukovina blind mole rat, Spalax graecus. – Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 169: 903–914.
Furey N.M, Phauk S, Phen S, Chheang S, Ith S, Bates P.J.J. & Csorba G (2013): New country records for five bat species (Chiroptera) from Cambodia. – Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2012(2): 141–149.
Görföl T, Estók P & Csorba G (2013): The subspecies of Myotis montivagus – taxonomic revision and species limits (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). – Acta zoologica hungarica 59: 41–59.
Németh A, Krnács Gy, Krízsik V, Révay T, Czabán D, Stojnić N, Farkas J & Csorba G (2013): European rodent on the edge: status and distribution of the Vojvodina blind mole rat. – SpringerPlus 2: doi:10.1186/2193–1801–2–2.
Thong V.D., Puechmaille S.J., Denzinger A., Bates P.J.J., Dietz C., Csorba G., Soisook P., Teeling E.C., Matsumura S., Furey N.M. & Schnitzler H–U. (2012): Systematics of the Hipposideros turpis complex and a description of a new subspecies from Vietnam – Mammal Review 42: 166–192.
Ruedi M., Biswas J. & Csorba G. (2012): Bats from the wet: two new species of tube–nosed bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Meghalaya, India. – Revue Suisse de Zoologie 119: 111–135
Vas Z., Csorba G. & Rózsa L. (2012): Evolutionary co–variation of host and parasite diversity – the first test of Eichler’s rule using parasitic lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera). – Parasitology Research 111: 393–401.
Hadid Y., Németh A., Snir S., Pavlíček T., Csorba G., Kázmér M., Major Á., Mezhzherin S., Rusin M., CoşkunY. & Nevo E. (2012): Is evolution of blind mole rats determined by climate oscillations? – PLoS ONE 7: e30043. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030043
Csorba G., Son N.T., Ith S. & Furey N.M. (2011): Revealing cryptic bat diversity: Three new Murina and redescription of M. tubinaris from Southeast Asia. – Journal of Mammalogy 92: 891–904.
Csorba G. (2011): A new species of Glischropus from Cambodia (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). – Zootaxa 2925: 41–48.
Görföl T., Dombi I. & Csorba G. (2010): Revision of significant recent and early Holocene bat data (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Hungary. – Annales historico–naturalis Musei nationalis hungarici 102: 205–210.
Coskun Y., Németh A. & Csorba G. (2010): Ceyhanus is an available name for a distinct form of Nannospalax (superspecies ehrenbergi) (Rodentia: Spalacinae). – Mammalian Biology 75: 463–465. doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2009.03.007
Sós E., Molnár V., Révay T., Németh A., Farkas J., Hidas A. & Csorba G. (2009): Veterinarian participation at the critically endangered lesser blind mole rat (Nannospalax (superspecies leucodon)) research in Hungary. – In: Wibbelt, G., Kretzschmar, P., Hofer, H. & Seet, S (eds): Proceedings of the International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals. Beekse Bergen, The Netherlands, pp. 118–121.
Németh A., Révay T., Farkas J., Czabán D., Rózsás A. & Csorba G. (2009): Chromosomal forms and risk assessment of Nannospalax (superspecies leucodon) (Mammalia: Rodentia) in the Carpathian Basin. – Folia Zoologica 58: 349–361.
Furey N.M., Thong V.D., Bates P.J.J. & Csorba G. (2009): Description of a new species belonging to the Murina “suilla–group” (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Murininae) from north Vietnam. – Acta Chiropterologica 11: 225–236.
Kuo H–C., Fang Y–P., Csorba G. & Lee L–L. (2009): Three new species of Murina (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Taiwan. – Journal of Mammalogy 90: 980–991.
Horváth G., Csapó A., Nyeste A., Gerics B., Csorba G. & Kriska Gy. (2009): Erroneous quadruped walking depictions in natural history museums. – Current Biology 19: R61–R62.
Csorba G., Németh A., Czabán D., Hidas A., Molnár V., Révay T., Sós E., Zsebők S. & Farkas J (2008): A nyugati földikutya védelmének lehetőségei. [Conservation of Hungarian Lesser blind mole rats (Spalax leucodon) based on the latest scientific results.] – In: Forró, L. (ed): A Kárpát–medence állatvilágának kialakulása. [The origin of the fauna of the Carpathian Basin.] Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, pp. 319–325.
Son N.T. & Csorba G. (2008): Preliminary results of bat surveys in Bac Huong Hoa protected area and Da Krong Nature Reserve, Quang Tri Province. – In: Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources. IEBR, Hanoi, pp. 532–536.
Matveev V. and Csorba G. (2007): Bat fauna of Cambodia. – Bat Research News 48: 100–101.
Bates P.J.J., Struebig M.J., Hayes B.D., Furey N.M., Khin Mya Mya, Thong V.D., Tien P.D., Son N.T., Harrison D.L., Francis C.M. & Csorba G. (2007): A new species of Kerivoula (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Southeast Asia – Acta Chiropterologica 9: 323–337.
Bihari Z., Csorba G. & Heltai M. (szerk.) (2007): Magyarország emlőseinek atlasza. Kossuth természettár. Kossuth Kiadó, Budapest. 360 pp.
Duval L., Robert V., Csorba G., Hassanin A., Randrianarivelojosia M., Walston J., Thy Nhim, Goodman S.M. & Ariey F. (2007): Multiple hosts switching of Haemosporidia parasites in bats. – Malaria Journal 6:157 (doi:10.1186/1475–2875–6–157).
Csorba G., Thong V.D., Bates P.J.J. & Furey N.M. (2007): Description of a new species of Murina from Vietnam (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Murininae). – Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 268: 1–12.