The major part of our Fish Collection was destroyed in the revolution of 1956. Since then, in our continuously growing materials, the species from the Carpathian Basin and the dry bone collection for comparative purposes are the most remarkable. We also preserve a great number of species from the Adriatic Sea as well as the Black Sea. 80% of the collection is identified on species level.
The most honourable museologists in chronological order: Ottó Herman, János Károli, Salamon Petényi, János Xántus, Ferenc Mihályi, László Berinkey, Antal Vida, András Sevcsik.
The most honorable assistant was Lajos Esztergályos.
At this moment no ichthyologist works in the collection.
Senior curator: Judit Vörös
museologist: Előd Márton
Collection size
Total specimen number: 12,400
Species number: 150
Type specimens: -
Library: 320 books
The Fish Collection is located in the central building of HNHM (1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13.).
Ninety-eight percent of the specimens is preserved in 70% ethanol, the remaining 2% are bones or mounted specimens.
Collection specimens are filed in systematic order.
Complete information of the specimens is recorded in our digital database, and available at our location.
The collection is open for visitors by appointment only.
Collection materials are available for scientific examination for external researchers.
Terms and Conditions
Research permit form
To discuss your requests please contact our curator at the following adress:,