Cryptic – Cryptogam’s Traits in Carpathians
North Korea 1993
Vietnam 1997
Hungarian-Polish exchange program 2002, 2003, 2007, 2009, 2010
Szent István University
Eötvös Loránt University
Pannon University
Nights of Researchers –
Nights of Museums
Buczkó K Korponai J, Magyari, E. 2018. Tengerszemek és klímakutatás: Őskörnyezet rekonstrukció: számszerűen. Élet és Tudomány 73(30): 934-937.
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Buczkó K, Kövér Cs, Báldi K Tengerszemek és klímakutatás: Egy kis paleolimnológia Élet és Tudomány 73:(17) pp. 521-523. (2018)
Kövér Cs, Korponai J, Buczkó K Tengerszemek és klímakutatás: Hascsónakkal a Déli-Kárpátokban Élet és Tudomány 73:(18) pp. 559-561. (2018)
Szabó Z., Buczkó K., Haliuc A., Pál I., Korponai J., Begy R.C., Veres D., Luoto Tomi P., Zsigmond A.R., Magyari E.K. 2020: Ecosystem shift of a mountain lake under climate and human pressure: A move out from the safe operating space, Science Of The Total Environment 743: pp. 1-17.; doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140584
Ács É, Bíró T, Berta Cs, Duleba M, Földi A, Grigorszky I, Hidas A, Knisz J, Korponai JL., Trábert Zs, Vadkerti E, Buczkó K. 2020: Long-Term Changes of Species Composition and Functional Traits of Epiphytic Diatoms in the Szigetköz Region (Hungary) of the Danube RiverWATER 12: (3) 776.
Buczkó, K., Ács, É., Báldi, K., Pozderka, V., Braun, M., Kiss, KT. & Korponai, J. 2019: The first high resolution diatom record from Lake Balaton, Hungary in Central Europe. - Limnetica 38(1): 417-430.
Buczkó K 2016. Guide to diatoms in mountain lakes in the Retezat Mountains, South Carpathians, Romania. Studia Botanica Hungarica 47:(Suppl) pp. 9-214. (2016)
Buczkó K, Magyari E K, Braun M, Bálint M 2013 Diatom inferred lateglacial and Holocene climatic variability in the South Carpathian Mountains (Romania) Quaternary International 293: pp. 123-135.
Buczkó K. Ognjanova-Rumenova N., Wojtal A.Z., Stenger-Kovács Cs. 2015: Ultrastructure and taxonomic position of Cymbella latestriata Pantocsek (Bacillariophyta) – Phytotaxa 207: 172-180.
Buczkó K, Magyari EK, Hübener T, Braun M, Bálint M, Tóth M, Lotter AF 2012 Responses of diatoms to the Younger Dryas climatic reversal in a South Carpathian mountain lake (Romania). Journal of Paleolimnology 48:(2) pp. 417-431. (2012)
Buczkó K, Magyari E K, Bitušík P, Wacnik A 2009 Review of dated Late Quaternary palaeolimnological records in the Carpathian Region, east-central Europe Hydrobiologia 631: pp. 3-28.
Magyari E, Buczkó K, Jakab G, Braun M, Pál Z, Karátson D, Pap I 2009 Palaeolimnology of the last crater lake in the Eastern Carpathian Mountains: a multiproxy study of Holocene hydrological changes. Hydrobiologia 631:(1) pp. 29-63
Buczkó K., Wojtal A. Z., Beszteri B., Magyari E. K. 2015: Morphology and distribution of Navicula schmassmannii Hustedt and its transfer to genus Humidophila – Studia Botanica Hungarica 46: 25-41.